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Reset database

There is a tool for manipulating the database. It is located in the src directory and is called It has two main functions: create and delete.

Clean up database

The delete function is used to clean up the database. It removes all data from the database.

  server ./src/ -d
Clean up database...
 - Clear table disarm
 - Clear table arm_sensor
 - Clear table arm
 - Clear table alert_sensor
 - Clear table sensor
 - Clear table output
 - Clear table keypad
 - Clear table card
 - Clear table zone
 - Clear table user
 - Clear table sensor_type
 - Clear table option
 - Clear table keypad_type
 - Clear table area
 - Clear table alert
Database is empty

Create new environment

The create function is used to create a new environment in the database.

  server ./src/ -c prod
Creating 'prod' environment...
 - Created admin user
 - Created sensor types
 - Created keypad types
 - Created keypads
Environment created

There are different environments prepared:

  • prod - production environment
  • live_01 - live environment
  • test_01 - test environment