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This page describes how to install the security system to a Raspberry PI. Use and SD Card with at least 8GB capacity and reliable quality to avoid data loss.

SD Card preparation

  1. Select the operating system image
  2. Setup your configuration
    • user name: argus / password: Argus.1234
    • enable SSH with password authentication
    • configure WLAN
    • locale
    • hostname: arpi.local
  3. Insert the card, start the Raspberry PI and connect to the host
    ssh argus@arpi.local
  4. Configure some general settings with "raspi-config" and reboot
    • Enable serial port without login shell

Install ArPI

Before installing the ArPI to a running Raspberry PI system get the code!

  1. Start the Raspberry PI Zero with the prepared SD card
  2. Check the installation configuration file (update the values for your installation environment): install.yaml
    # yaml-language-server: $schema=install_schema.json
    # access of the installed arpi system
      username: argus
      key_name: keys/arpi_rsa
      password: <argus password>
      hostname: arpi.local
      deploy_ssh_key: true
      disable_ssh_password_authentication: true
    # database access
      name: argus
      username: argus
      content: prod
    # deployment settings
      server_environment: prod
      webapplication_path: webapplication/dist-production/browser
        postgresql_version: 15
        nginx_version: 1.26.2
      dhparam_size: 4096
      deploy_simulator: true
      salt: <random text>
      secret: <random text>
  3. Install the ArPI components with the management project from your development host (not the Raspberry PI).
    # activate the python virtual environment
    pipenv shell
    # install the prerequisites (postgresql, nginx...)
    ./ environment
    # install the server component
    ./ -ur server
    # install the monitor component
    ./ -r monitor
    # install the database content
    ./ -u database
  4. Before this step you will need to build the web application for production mode!
    ./ webapplication
  5. You can access the web application https://arpi.local
    • Default registration code for admin: ABCD1234
    • Default access code: 1234


You can find the default production settings: [Project folder]/server/src/ => def env_prod()

See on Github