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Help for developers/contributors.


The development on the Raspberry PI can be time consuming. Use your pc for development and deploy the code changes to a Raspberry PI.

Getting the code

Open a terminal, navigate into your working directory and run the following command:

# cloning the repositories
git clone --recurse-submodules

# switch to the development branch
git checkout dev_vXXXX
git submodule foreach git checkout dev_vXXXX

# switch to a released version
git checkout vXXXX
git submodule foreach git checkout vXXXX
This command will download the source code of management project of the ArPI Home security system with the server and the web application components.

+ arpi_management: managing the software components
|--arpi_server: backend
|--arpi_webapplication: frontend

Prerequisites for development

  • python 3
  • python pipenv (for management and server)
  • nodejs (for the web application)
  • docker (for management and server)
  • For PyGObject on Ubuntu/Debian (for server)
        sudo apt install \
            gcc \
            libgirepository1.0-dev \
            libcairo2-dev \
            pkg-config \
            python3-dev \

Preparing environments:

  • Server: python
    pipenv install --dev
  • Web application: angular
    npm install --dev


Hardware clock

The software is configured to use a DS1307 hardware clock. The configuration is prepared during the installation of the board (arpi_management/scripts/

The hardware clock is updated every hour from system clock and updates the system clock on reboot (arpi_management/arpi_server/etc/cron/hwclock).

GSM module

The software is configured to work with a GSM module (tested with SIM900A) on serial port /dev/ttyAMA0 9600 Baud. The console on serial port is disabled.


You can use a NoIP provider for accessing the security system remotely on the same domain name.


You can switch the connection of the web application to a signed HTTPS connection with the help of Certbot.